The Society focuses on three core services:

  • The Society provides advice and supports to new families including:

    1. How to navigate and find housing, child care, health care and family doctors, shopping and groceries.

    2. Set up technology (phone, tv, cable internet, etc), access transit system, enrol children in the school system.

    3. How to get BC driver license, permanent residence card, BC services card…etc.

    4. Help with social norms, integrating into society, meet and greet sessions with local Afghans.

  • Members of the Society collect funds and donations to achieve the following:

    1. Women and girls, orphans and widows, and the poor have basic life necessities including food, clothing, shelter, and access to health and education.

    2. Support local charity organizations in Afghanistan with their charity projects.

    3. Ensure funds and donations are 100% distributed to those in need.

  • Life is a difficult journey for refugees. If you are an individual, group of individuals, or an organization who would like to sponsor an Afghan family, the Society can help you with:

    1. Filling out sponsorship application forms.

    2. Guide you to select an Afghan family to sponsor.

    3. Connect you with other local and provincial groups and organizations in sponsoring an Afghan family.

    4. Support you and the family when the family is in Canada.